
Elizabeth Okonji, ACC

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Please tell us about your professional background and your current or most recent role.

I have 17 years of practice in the field of HR across several industries, rising from HR Officer to Chief People Officer, serving in roles that cover multiple geographical regions, and expanding my role into overseeing full business operations. My most recent role for the past 4 years is as Chief People Officer at Renmoney.

What were your reasons for enrolling in the Fundamentals of Coaching and Essentials of Coaching Course?

I sought to acquire professional guidance and academic underpinning to develop my coaching skills, which is increasingly pushing to the forefront of my responsibilities as a strategic business leader and a keen contributor towards the development of other individuals.

How do you plan to utilise your new skills as a Certified Coach?

– In the execution of my role as Internal Coach for my company

– As a coach to clients outside my organization

What was your experience in this journey with EZ37 Solutions Ltd, the approved provider of your coach training programme?

It was a very organised program with experienced coaches as facilitators who demonstrated everything we were being guided into. I am pleased that it was a very balanced mix of theoretical concepts, self-study and practice, as well as interactive classroom sessions. It has been a very rewarding journey and I can testify that I recognise that I have grown a little bit.

I am most especially grateful to have been allowed to pause my journey and conclude it later, with another cohort. That was kind and supportive, and showed that EZ37 Solutions cared about my progress.

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